Analysis Of Dental Service Characteristics From A Dentist’s View In The Clinics Of Primary Health Care Sector In Baghdad
Dental Service, Tangibility Characteristics, Reliability Characteristics, Responsiveness Characteristics, Assurance Characteristics, Empathy Characteristics, ChecklistsAbstract
Dentist rely on his arrangement for dental service characteristics, represented by tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. A research attempts to measure a view of dentist for these characteristics and it determines their relative importance and it diagnose a gap of each characteristic to save his prevention performance. Research adopts checklists for dentists in the dental clinics of Primary Health Care Sector in Baghdad whose number reached to (74) dentists. The results were present in tables and analyzed using illustrative Pi and Pareto diagrams, it showed that dental service applied but with a varying and unequal level of attention. Dentist concerned with dental service characteristics, and he considers them essence of preventive dentistry.
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