Analisis Kejadian Interaksi Obat pada Pasien Skizofrenia di RSUD Dr. Iskak Tulungagung


  • Fitria Wahyuning Wulan Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Bhakti Wiyata Kediri
  • Wenni Arina Dewi Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Bhakti Wiyata Kediri



Drugs, Interactions, Schizophrenia


Schizophrenia is a syndrome with multiple ethology, outcome differ depending on the chronic course of the diseases, and the balance of physical, genetic also influences in the country. Schizophrenia patients have psychotic symptoms, so the main psychopharmacology given to schizophrenia patients is antipsychotics. The main treatment for schizophrenia is antipsychotic drugs, many schizophrenia patients receive combination therapy with antipsychotic drugs.  Drug interactions generally refer to changes in drug response resulting from a patient's exposure to a drug or other substance. The potential severity of interactions is important for evaluating the risks and benefits of alternative treatments. Severity is classified into mild severity (effects are usually mild), moderate severity (new effects may cause severity of the patient's disease), and severe severity (possibly life-threatening or may cause permanent damage). This study aims to determine drug interactions and treatment patterns regarding pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics interactions in schizophrenia patients at Iskak Tulungagung Hospital. The research method uses analytics with retrospective data collection. The research sample consisted of 48 respondents in the categories mild (2%), moderate (78%), and severe (20%). The results display is potential for drug interactions in the form of pharmacodynamics potential (97%) which dominates more than pharmacokinetic potential (3%).


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How to Cite

Fitria Wahyuning Wulan, & Wenni Arina Dewi. (2024). Analisis Kejadian Interaksi Obat pada Pasien Skizofrenia di RSUD Dr. Iskak Tulungagung. Jurnal Medika Nusantara, 2(1), 229–237.

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