Perbedaan Tingkat Keakuratan Estiemasi Usia Menggunakan Metode Al-Qahtani Dan Metode Cameriere Pada Gambaran Radiografi Panoramik


  • Yusrini Selviani Univeristas Muslim Indonesia
  • M. Fajrin Wijaya Univeristas Muslim Indonesia
  • Sitti Nur Fadhillah Oemar Mattaliti Univeristas Muslim Indonesia
  • Ardian Jayakusuma Amran Univeristas Muslim Indonesia
  • Nurul Aisyah Univeristas Muslim Indonesia



Age Estimation, Al-Qahtani Method, Cameriere Method, Panoramic Radiography


Radiography can be used at prenatal age because at this age we can see and assess the stage of formation and development of primary teeth that have not yet erupted. The London Atlas method is well-organized, comprehensive, and evidence-based using tooth development and alveolar eruption. The method for determining chronological age based on open apex measurements was first introduced by Roberto Cameriere. This method looks at the development of the seven permanent teeth of the lower left jaw. Research objective: To determine the difference in the level of accuracy of age estimation using the Al-Qahtani method and the Cameriere method on panoramic radiography images. Materials and Methods: This research design uses analytical observational with a cross sectional research design. The statistical test used is the paired t-test. Results: Based on the results of this study, it is known that the difference in average age in the Al-Qahtani method is that the tooth age is 0.6 years older than the chronological age and in the Cameriere method the tooth age is 0.59 years older than the chronological age. Conclusion: The results of this study show that there are not differences in age estimation using the Al-Qahtani method and the Cameriere method on panoramic radiography images.


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How to Cite

Yusrini Selviani, M. Fajrin Wijaya, Sitti Nur Fadhillah Oemar Mattaliti, Ardian Jayakusuma Amran, & Nurul Aisyah. (2024). Perbedaan Tingkat Keakuratan Estiemasi Usia Menggunakan Metode Al-Qahtani Dan Metode Cameriere Pada Gambaran Radiografi Panoramik. Jurnal Medika Nusantara, 2(3), 53–62.

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