Estimasi Tinggi Dan Masa Tubuh Manusia Menggunakan Panjang Lenggang Kaki Serta Lebar Dan Panjang Telapak Kaki Manusia


  • Muhammad Ranau Alejandro Universitas Airlangga
  • Toetik Koesbardiati Universitas Airlangga



Footprints, Regression, Estimation, Forensics


Body Height and body mass are the most common parameters in forensics. However, in some situations it is not possible to measure the height and weight of the perpetrator or victim due to a lack of evidence in the crime scene area. Several previous studies have shown that height and body mass can be measured effectively using footprints. This research aims to develop formulas for adult body height and body mass using anthropometric measurements on the soles of the feet. Measurements were carried out on 105 (54 men and 51 women) Airlangga University students aged 18-23 years from August 2022 to November 2022. The data was analyzed for correlation statistics and regression statistics using the SPSS statistical application. Through the correlation test, foot length and foot width were strongly correlated with body height and body mass, but foot length was only correlated with body height. There are significant differences between foot length and foot width in the female and male populations, so estimates were calculated separately into 2 groups without involving foot length. Based on the results of the regression analysis, a formula was obtained to estimate body height and body mass. The formula for predicting height for the male group is Y = 72.768 + 2.610(PKKn) + 0.9(PKKr) + 0.135(LKKn) + 0.551(LKKr). For the female group, the height prediction formula is Y = 94.789 + 0.751(PKKn) + 1.575(PKKr) – 0.533(Lkkn) + 1.205(LKKr). The body mass prediction formula for the male group is expressed as Y = (-101.221) - 1.170(PKKn) - 0.400(PKKr) + 13.561(LKKn) + 7.596(LKKr). The body mass formula for the female group was not obtained because the distribution of body mass data for the female group was not normal. Thus, three formulas are obtained that can be used to predict height and body mass based on the length of the soles of the feet and the width of the soles of the feet.




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How to Cite

Muhammad Ranau Alejandro, & Toetik Koesbardiati. (2024). Estimasi Tinggi Dan Masa Tubuh Manusia Menggunakan Panjang Lenggang Kaki Serta Lebar Dan Panjang Telapak Kaki Manusia. Jurnal Medika Nusantara, 2(1), 294–310.